If you want to give your property a contemporary and sophisticated feel, then spiral staircases are an excellent choice!

Spiral stairs embody a very fresh and modern vibe in terms of interior design, but funnily enough, spiral staircases have been around since 113 AD. Imagine, you could experience a bit of rich heritage every time you venture upstairs…

It’s exciting to stray from the norm, and there’s an excellent reason to do so. Here are just a few reasons why spiral staircases are a great ladder option:

Are Spiral Staircases a Good Idea

  1. They are incredibly versatile

Every spiral staircase has its own distinct, individual design. As a result, you’ll be able to choose from a selection of spiral staircases and select one uniquely suited to your individual needs. Not only are they versatile in their designs and features, but they are also adaptable in their location.

For example, having a spiral staircase allows you to change the access points in your home without changing the flooring plan too drastically. This is due to their encompassing, curving structure. Keep in mind that if you have trouble navigating stairs you can always install a stairlift on your spiral staircase. This will ensure that you can get up and down the stairs safely, especially if you have mobility issues. If it ever breaks down, then you can call the experts to help with Stairlift repairs.

A spiral staircase can be whatever you want it to be: it can be a centrepiece item for its aesthetic and style, but it can also provide a necessary function to any home.

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  1. They are great in small spaces

When you first think about spiral staircases, it’s natural to imagine the hallway of a grand estate manor house. In reality, it’s actually more practical to have one in a smaller space!

Spiral staircases have a tiny footprint due to the spiral frame. You can rest assured that the steps will never extend past their allotted width or diameter, so you can easily tuck them away in the corner of your house without a hassle.

Even better – you don’t even have to sacrifice safety for space. The diameter of spiral steps is exactly the same as the typical ‘straight’ stairs, except the frame of spiral stairs allows for maximum utilisation of space.

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  1. They help you access more of your house

Especially true for older buildings, there are areas of properties that can be difficult to access, such as little hidden nooks and crannies. Through the use of spiral staircases, these areas can be utilised to create a whole new space for your property. Spiral staircases are particularly suited to this purpose as they can fit into tighter spaces due to their upward trajectory and placement.

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  1. They are fully customisable

You’ll be able to customise your spiral staircase to be everything you need due to its versatility. With the possibility of tailoring the design, from stair frame to spindles, you can be sure that you’ll have a staircase worth showing off.

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  1. They add value to your home

Most spiral staircases are available in a kit that allows you to install your new feature as swiftly and safely as possible. This is hugely cost-effective, as it saves you the money of hiring a contractor. You and one other person could install a spiral staircase in less than half a day…imagine that!

There’s no upkeep involved in owning spiral stairs, and it will free up valuable space within your home. In fact, you could even make money from owning a spiral staircase. It is a one-of-a-kind structural feature and adds a unique selling point to your home if you ever wanted to sell your property.

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In conclusion…

If you have the budget and the ability to put together a spiral staircase kit, there are so many reasons to invest in a spiral staircase. It’s one of the most versatile features to have within your home due to its individuality, and it adds an exceeding air of class and sophistication.

Think of it as an investment – you will be rewarded with a high-quality, practical piece of furniture that looks stunning in your home, and it will provide you with value for years to come.