Garages were originally designed for storing cars and maybe DIY or gardening equipment. However, today they are often just used as a large storage unit that becomes cluttered with rubbish and items that are no longer needed. If you want to make more out of your garage, then you could use the space to create your very own funky man cave. This is somewhere you can chill out away from the rest of the family or relax with your friends.
All men need their own space, and the garage would be the ideal location for this. There are plenty of different uses for it, whether you’re looking to create games or a pool room or somewhere that you can watch the sport in peace.
Create a feature
Before you start creating a man cave, you need to have some type of feature for space. Otherwise, everything could start to get a bit lost and confused, and you’ll just end up with a room full of uncoordinated items. Think about what you want to use the space for, and this will enable you to come up with a focal point. This could be a favourite pool table or large television. Once you have this in place, you can begin to design the remainder of the garage space around it.
A garage for sports lovers
Your man cave should be focused on what you love most and should be a place for retreat and enjoyment. If you are a sports fanatic how about setting up a giant TV to enjoy the footie or racing? Get yourself a decent size and specification of television, alongside a great home entertainment system and surround sound unit so that you’ll be able to enjoy the full effects of the race. A comfy sofa and a fridge close by for race essentials would complete the look.
If you love your F1 racing, then the garage is an ideal venue for watching the sport, a Sky Sports subscription may be an indulgence, but worth it for the first look at sporting events, you’ll get to be a part of. Sky Sports is also the best way to keep up to date with the latest F1 news, with exclusive interviews such as Max Mosley’s question and answer session regarding the Jules Bianchi crash.
By turning your garage into your very own man cave, you’ll have a home away from home. Without the children bothering you or getting in anyone else’s way, you’ll be able to watch your favourite sports or shoot some pool without any interruptions.

Use the space wisely
You don’t want the space to be too cluttered, so it’s important not to just throw in everything that you want without any thought. Think first about what’s essential and what items you’ll use the most. There’s no point in taking up space with a large and comfy sofa if you’re going to spend most of the time playing pool or darts. You still need space to move around and use the equipment safely. Look at storage options that go with your theme so that you can keep the area clear without taking away from the effect of the space. I am sure you will need some storage space for your workout equipment, gym bag etc.
Be creative
The garage will become your personal space, so you need to make it yours. Choose a theme and design that suits your personality, tastes and interests. Plan exactly what will be in it, and this way you’ll end up with the perfect man space.

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