After months shrouded in the darkness of winter, the vibrant sunshine of spring emerges and reveals all the nooks and corners that have been forgotten during hibernation.
Spring isn’t just about giving the house a good clean from top to bottom, but about waking it up and bringing it back to life when it can feel overwhelmed with clutter and stuff!
By bringing light and space back into your home and harnessing the beauty of colour, your home will not only feel rejuvenated but your own mind will too.
With Easter upon us, why not use this time to take these steps and make your house feel like a home once again.
Take Away the Space Invaders
Clutter isn’t just the stuff that trips us up when we’re in a hurry, but also the endless items we appear to collect for no reason at all.
With all these items getting in our way and taking up our space, it can have a dramatic impact on how we feel mentally. Putting more stress and anxiety on ourselves than necessary and blocking the natural flow of thoughts that really matter.

So be strict with yourself and resist the urge to hoard, there are many creative ways to de-clutter your home without making you feel like a minimalist. The best place to start is your wardrobe, taking out any items that don’t fit and removing anything that you’ve claimed to be ‘future proof’, saying that you might wear it in the future doesn’t mean it needs to be hanging in the wardrobe. Remove it and store it somewhere else for that special occasion.
Your wardrobe should only be full of things that fit and make you feel fabulous, if it doesn’t do either of those things it’s useless.
The same goes with all those ornamental dust collectors, do you really need them? Or can they be placed elsewhere?
You will be surprised at how relieved you feel after a good clear out, and your home will feel decidedly spacious as well.

Clean It Up
A clean home makes for a clean mind, or so they say. And if you can spend just a few hours getting around to all those jobs that always get pushed to the bottom of the list, you’ll be surprised at how much less chaotic your home feels.
We’re all used to giving it a quick once over, but taking the time to really get into the back of those cupboards or organising that ‘man drawer’ that’s been driving you crazy, can really help to make you feel in control of your home and more in control of your life.
Take it room by room, emptying everything out, and dusting down the walls, washing the windows, dusting the skirting boards and polishing all the furniture. Then before placing anything back in the room ensure it’s dusted and folded neatly.
Once you begin to make this a routine, your day will be much more productive, and you will manage to clean your entire home as immaculately as a five-star hotel.
Besides, there’s really nothing as satisfying as feeling like your home is clean and tidy.

Bring Back Colour
We’ve become a nation overcome by magnolia madness, and you can’t visit an interiors blog without the whitewashed walls featuring heavily in the background. But whilst neutrals certainly have their place in the home, there’s a lot to be said for inserting some colour.
Vibrant colours can lift the mood of a home, and make us feel more positive and happy.

So rather than surrounding yourself in a clinical cloud of white, step out of your comfort zone slightly by adding brightly coloured accessories. From rugs, cushions or even adorning the walls in some inspirational artwork.

If you’re unsure of where to begin, take some interior style tips from the experts, or find some inspiration on the plethora of images that can now be found on Pinterest.
Your home should not just provide you with the ability to live but should be a mental sanctuary where you can retire away from the world.
[…] spring upon us and summer just around the corner, it’s time to turn your attention to the unloved parts […]