When thinking about creating the perfect conservatory space, it is important to remember not to add clutter. Conservatories are usually slightly on the smaller side as it is, so adding too much in one area will simply result in an excess mess. You want your finished conservatory design to look modern, chic and inviting. There are plenty of free DIY e-books to guide you if you don’t want to splash the cash. Keeping things fairly minimalist in this space is key to achieving that. That’s not to say that you have to keep your conservatory empty and devoid of personality though. Here we show you how to achieve a minimalist conservatory with a warm and inviting feel.
Your conservatory furniture is one of the most important things to consider when making decor plans. Think about what colour scheme you are going, to begin with, and choose a furniture set that closely matches that. You want to try and aim for lighter colours like white and cream that will give the illusion of space in your conservatory.
Think about using glass in clever ways. Items of furniture that you can see through, also offer good illusions of extra space in a room. A glass coffee table will ensure that you have a good area to entertain guests and place drinks. It will also mean that you can clearly see the flooring and space around the table. This works much better than big and bulky furniture pieces that will take up all of the space at once.

If you decide to have blinds in your conservatory, you should also think about the colour of these. Dark colours like blacks and browns will attract the sun and make the room feel hotter. Think about investing in blinds that will reflect the sun and keep your room cooler. These may be harder to keep clean, but you will immediately feel the effects of having a spacious, light and airy room.
Your decor should be sparse in a minimalist conservatory. Think about investing in a few key pieces of modern design. Photographs in black and white with slim, simple gold frames work well. This falls within the key modern interior design trends at the moment.

If you think that your conservatory will be easy to keep clean, then you could go for a thin cream rug on your floor. However, most people have a conservatory that faces out onto their garden. This can mean a lot of mess and mud to contend with. If this is the case, then you should stick to tiles or wooden flooring that is easy to mop clean. The last thing you want to do is to be paying for carpet cleaning once a month.
Lighting should be kept to simple lamps. You may find that you don’t need much lighting at all. Especially if your room gets plenty of sunlight. Lamps can be useful for the evenings when it is dark and cold. They will create a warm and soft glow. This is perfect for when you want to curl up with a good book. Just ensure that you have chosen the best quality, comfortable seating if you plan on using your conservatory area a lot.

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