Beauty is not always on the outside. But, when we look at a beautiful exterior of a house, and a great paint job, we can only see our jaws drop down and think to ourselves: I want my home to look like that too. Therefore, we embark on a little spending spree because we’ve overlooked our house’s paint job for the last decade. Now, you want the new look of your home to be mesmerizing and everything needs to be perfect. The paint is good to go, and you only need to call a cloudpainters and get everything done.
A fresh new look at your house is cost effective. And it thoroughly changes the look of it. Both you and your family will feel like something is different. Staying outside in the backyard will feel more pleasant, and you’ll have more friends over to chat about how good the new exterior looks like. You could even schedule a weekend barbecue and look at the significant remodelling. But, all of this leads up to the question:
So, which is the best time of the year to paint your house?
Different people have different approaches, but they all overlap during the spring and summer months. When painting a house, the difference between night and day temperatures need to be as low as possible. As well as that, it shouldn’t be too cold. By too cold, we mean less than 40 degrees Fahrenheit. A few years ago, that number used to be 50, but with better quality paints, it has dropped down. Surprisingly, some professional painters with high-quality brushes and equipment can do it in 35 degrees Fahrenheit. But that’s also very expensive. Click here to learn more.
In different states, consistent weather doesn’t arrive until the middle of summer. In other ones, the weather is good as soon as spring starts, and it’s good until the end of fall. Depending on where you live, the time may vary, but it will never be in the winter. You might ask why, and that’s a good question. The first thing is that it’s too cold, and the paint won’t stick as it should. It’s not made for extreme temperatures, and it also will take a lot of time to dry.
Also, in the winter months, the humidity is very high, and if there is a possibility of snow, that too will cause a lot of trouble. It can also cause the paint to flake off. If you really want to do some painting in the winter, then that’s a great time to focus on the inner sides of your house. Leave the outside for times when the weather is warm, there is no wind and no rain.

What about rain seasons?
Sometimes it may appear like rain and snow can come out of nowhere. But, experienced contractors know the seasons, and they’ll tell you when the best place to start working is. Waiting a while after the rainy seasons helps the paint stick better. It gives your home a chance to dry out from all of the snow and the rain, and the dew of the morning hours. It can also be influenced by the humidity in the air. For that, there are a few things that you can do. Check with your hand the surface you’re willing to paint. If it’s moist or humid, it’s not the time to paint. Even indirectly, moisture can be absorbed and ruin your paint job, and ruin your day as well. Here is some more info:
The pros and cons of painting in the summer months
Some people want to hear the good news first, and then bad news. Others like it the other way around. Here, we’ll look at the pros of painting in the summer first, and then look at the cons. The first good thing about painting in the summer is that the heat causes paint pigments to expand and thins up the solution a little bit. This makes it a whole lot easier to be applied. Secondly, the direct influence of the sun dries the paint quite quickly, and that allows you to paint up multiple layers in one single day.
Finally, as we all know, the painting comes with a distinct smell associated with it. In these months, since the paint dries quicker, you won’t have to worry about that. As it dries, the smell goes away and fades away relatively faster than in any other time of the year.
Now, we will look at the cons. The worst thing that can happen is an exceptionally sunny and hot day. This can make the top layers dry up fast, and the sheets under them to take longer. This can cause wrinkling due to the unevenness, and that looks unprofessional. Secondly, that kind of extreme temperature can lead to blistering of the solution, which doesn’t look too good.
And finally, if you’re the one who’s doing the painting, get ready for some more work after you finish. The heat can cause the brushes and the rollers to dry out, which in turn makes them quite hard to clean. That’s why after you finish working with a tool, it’s a great tactic to put them in a bucket of water, so they have a bit of moisture in them and are easier to clean afterwards. To avoid any cons, you can find a service like Michigan Pure Painting Ann Arbor, and sit back while they do the work.
A few final words
As we said before, extreme conditions are not suitable for painting. Too much sun or too much wind can dry the paint before it catches on, and that can lead to peeling, craters and blisters. On the other hand, painting in the rain is quite illogical. All of the layers you try and paint will wash away. For the winter months, it takes a lot of time to dry, and some colours won’t even stick below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
The ideal conditions are on a spring or summer day when there is no rain. The temperature should be relatively normal, a room-like temperature, and the wind should be low to mild. When you see a day like that, prepare your brushes, or call up your contractors to do some work.
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[…] up the rooms – Painting is the easiest way to make changes within your rooms. You can take professional assistance if you need it or complete the project over the weekend. Colourful and cooler walls with a fresh […]