In her book The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin explores the concept, “Act the way you want to feel. Most of us realise there is a part of our feelings that we choose. Often we can change the entire day simply by changing our perspective and choosing to have a good day.
The same goes for how we dress. I’ve already shared with you that one key to getting things done is getting fully dressed in the morning. How we dress has a big part in how we want to feel about the day.
The other day, I got up later than usual and started working on cleaning, decorating, and who knows what else. The day got completely away from me and I was still very comfortable (not quite pyjamas, but still) house clothes – I never stay like that all day.
It was pretty late in the afternoon when Khushi said, “Mum, why are you having pyjama day today? Instantly, I realised why I had been feeling unproductive and lazy all day. It had nothing to do with what I had accomplished (I had done quite a bit), but it had everything to do with how I felt.
If you have ever had an interview, you know that many people advise dressing the part. You need to look confident, and it will help you feel confident.
So what about our days at home? Sure, I’m not going to go dress in heels all day long. Somewhere along the way, we have to quit saying, “when the kids are older,’ “when I’m out of this stage,’ or whatever else you might dream up to say, and just start dressing [and acting] how we want to feel. And guess what? You’ll start feeling like that.
So get out of the sweatpants. Unless you want to have a comfy, lazy day at home. Get out of the ratty clothes. Unless of course, you want to feel that way. And start dressing the part.

I’m a Mum. But I want to be a confident, somewhat put-together-looking Mum. So I need to dress how I want to feel. And I usually end up feeling a little more put together. It’s kind of a win, win.
You’re living your life right now. You’re not waiting to live it. So dress the way you want to feel, and chances are it will go a long way to helping you get there!
Have you found that the way you dress changes how you feel?
5 Ways to Dress Well on a Budget
Fashion and style are normally thought of as luxuries. I mean, who has the time and money to keep up with frivolous, superficial trends that are constantly changing? You do….seriously. I promise. Looking your best and being stylish is totally within your reach no matter what your budget is and I have been living it and loving it for most of my life. Here are a few budget-friendly tips that I’ve learned firsthand while blogging about my style journey.
Fashion and style are all about creativity. Creativity comes in handy when you’re trying to get the most style for your buck. Your entire wardrobe will magically expand as soon as you realize the variety of ways to maximize what’s in it. Seek inspiration and adapt it to fit your body/lifestyle/budget. I think Pinterest is great for keeping track of inspiration while you’re on the internet and clipping ads/pictures from magazines works nicely as well.
Here is an example of the time I adapted a sundress to wear this winter. The style was influenced by a mom in my MOMS group and the most expensive thing I’m wearing is the $20 (on sale) dress.
Become very familiar with what works for your body type, skin tone, and lifestyle. etc and it will reduce the time it takes for you to shop and get dressed in the morning. You’ll be able to shop with more focus which is helpful when you hunting for treasure in the clearance section.
I am just about as “pear” shaped as you could be (small chest and waist with a large butt and thighs). I always aim to accentuate my top half and minimize the bottom half. Own your “flaws” and let them work in your favour.
Shoes, jewellery, brooches, belts, and scarves can instantly take an outfit from frumpy to fabulous and you can always find them at low prices. Adding a trendy accessory to a classic piece can keep your style updated without the need for a new wardrobe every 6 months.
Colour choices can make or break a good outfit. Keep your outfits under 4 colours and keep your eyes peeled for your favourite combinations. I learn about which colours look best together from store displays, interior design trends, the colour wheel, and Pantone. One of my current favourite palettes is yellow + grey (and in this outfit, I added a deep purple cardigan).

This is the information age and expertise is abundant (and FREE!). Some of my favourite fashion resources are fashion blogs, YouTube, Pinterest, and online magazine sites. Stitch Fix has a ton of great ideas as well, and their affordable personal shopping service is one you might want to consider if you struggle with putting outfits together!
In this day and age, anything you could want to know can be instantly at your fingertips. Utilise search engines. You CAN be as stylish as you want to be without breaking the bank.
[…] RELATED: Dress the way you want to feel […]
Fab looks! Thanks for sharing these with us. Please keep it up.