Organic eating has long been a favourable concept that many people have accepted. Those who have access to chemical-free vegetables and fruits by growing them themselves are known to live a healthier and better life. As for those who cannot grow their own, they do their share of research to find an organic vegetable provider in their area. While these are the common ways to get access to organic foods, there is a third method as well today – Aquaponics.

5 Reasons to Build an Aquaponics System and How Does it Work

An aquaponics system is considered to be one of the most eco-friendly and sustainable methods of growing not only vegetables and fruits but also fish. This concept came into existence thousands of years back and it is a perfect example of how the ecosystem functions. Here, each has its role in the growth and production of each other. In the world of today, where fake foods are produced in abundance, this concept should be taken up as much as possible. Many have realized its importance and have developed an impressive aquaponics system right in their homes!

Another method typically used alongside aquaponics is known as hydroponics. Both have similarities in the fact that both are soilless farming techniques that utilize artificial systems to sustain and optimize crop growth, but they also both have key differences. You can learn the key similarities and differences between aquaponics vs hydroponics by researching online as it’s important to understand which is the best for you before you start. If you read on, we also have some of the key top tips on how an aquaponics system can benefit you when it comes to growing sustainable fruit and vegetables.

Top Reasons to Build an Aquaponics System

The basic necessity of building an aquaponics system is to eat healthily and lead an illness-free life. When you eat foods that are free from chemicals and other unwanted substances, your body will be free of the lifestyle diseases that are hugely found today. In addition to this, there are other essential reasons to build an aquaponics system:

  1. Faster Growth: If you compare aquaponics with other forms of gardening, you will find that the growth rate of plants here is much faster. Unlike the traditional form of gardening in soil, you will be able to yield 10 times more food in much less time. For example, lettuce grown in a 10 square feet space in this system will offer you the same amount of lettuce within a month as the lettuce grown in a 100 square feet space in two months.
  2.  Convenience to Operate: Once you successfully build your aquaponics system, the operation of the same will be convenient. You can also opt to go for a custom-made system that is easily available in the preferred shape and size. Once installed, the working of the system is automated and there is less maintenance required. You do not need to toil hard and sweat out like in traditional gardening.
  3.  Maintenance: In an aquaponics system, grow beds are planted at waist height and there is no weeding required. The roots of the plants that you grow will not spread beyond the respected boundaries that you have created. In addition to this, the replacement of soil isn’t required and hence, you are at bay from the pain of soil cultivation. No fertilizers of any kind are put in the system. You only require checking the health of your plants and fishes from time to time by testing the pH and ammonia levels of the water along with its temperature.
  4.     Great Way to Save Money: When you have your vegetables and fruits growing along with the luxury of harvesting fish, you can save and invest the money in another important activity. Additionally, once you gain the required experience of maintaining an aquaponics system, you can further plan to start a small business for that extra income. The start of this system for complete commercial purposes can be a large project. Moreover, you may need to invest a lot more initially to gain the benefits after a few months. However, you can supply fresh vegetables, fruits, and fish to end consumers in small quantities to start with.
  5. Tastier Meals: With an aquaponics system, not only will you have the luxury to savour healthy meals daily, but also tastier foods. The presence of chemicals in the food today also compromises the taste of the meals in some cases. However, this will never be the issue with the healthy supplies from an aquaponics system. Only fresh harvesting of fish and vegetables will be done that will be then directly served to you, by you.
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Common Confusions Associated with Aquaponics System

Though this practice is many years old, many people still aren’t aware of this concept. This raises a few common questions among them. To help you get a better insight into the practice, we have addressed three among the many common questions:

  1.     How do the plants grow faster here than in soil?

In an aquaponics system, there is no need for the plants to do any functioning to receive their nutrients. They receive their nutrients from the excrements of the fishes which transform into ammonia and further into nitrites and nitrates. This process takes place naturally and there is no requirement for additional assistance in the form of fertilizers or more.

  1.     Won’t the vegetables taste like fish excrement or fish?

You must know that the fruits and vegetables you buy from a supermarket too are grown with the help of manure from animals. However, they neither taste like animal manure nor even smell closely like the same. In the same manner, the produce from an aquaponics system too will not smell like fish or fish excrement for that matter.

  1.     Shouldn’t the water be changed regularly?

The answer to this question is an absolute no! The entire system is based on the interdependence of the fish and plants that you grow. While the fish provide nutrients in the form of their excrement to the plants, the plants clean the water in exchange. If any of these elements are changed or removed, then you will not get the result designed by this system. They are dependent upon each other and work hand-in-hand to produce fresh plants and healthy fish for you.

The work of nature is incredible on its own and the aquaponics system is one important example of the same. You should give it a try and take a step ahead towards living a healthy and positive life.

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