With the UK facing an abundance of extreme weather conditions this week, we’re not out of the clear just yet as Storm Gladys is set to bring 70mph winds and heavy snow. It has never been so important to protect your home, garden and vehicles so preparing in advance for bad spells of weather will help keep the risk of damage to a minimum and ensure your home is protected all months of the year.
Interior Experts at Stelrad have pulled together some of their top tips for keeping your home safe in the extreme weather, helping you prepare for the upcoming storm.
- Storm Gladys: Minimise The Risk Of Damage To Your Home & Garden
- Storm Proofing Your Home & Garden: Top Tips From The Experts
- Experts Reveal How To Protect Your Home From Extreme Weather
Secure any loose items
With strong winds having the potential to lift any loose belongings, the risk of significant damage to your home, garden, car or surrounding properties is increased. Check around the outside of your home if bad weather is expected, moving items like trampolines, wheelie bins, outdoor furniture and plant pots indoors. If you have access to a garage or shed, preparing in advance is recommended but if this is not an option, using heavy goods such as concrete blocks, bricks or paving slabs to weigh down any lightweight items can help secure them.

Make sure all windows are tightly shut
As heavy winds pick up, the powerful force and debris in the air put windows and glass door panes at risk of damage. Keep the worry of pricey repairs at bay by weatherproofing your windows, ensuring they are strong enough to handle extreme weather conditions. For weaker windows, a film can be added to the inside of the glass which creates reinforcement and will prevent the glass from shattering all over your home/ garden in the event of a breakage. As well as protecting the glass itself, ensure all windows in your home are securely shut before a storm arrives, keeping strong draughts out to minimise the pressure put onto the windows.

Check the condition of your roof and drains
When it comes to extreme weather, some of the most serious damage is caused by loose roof tiles flying from heights. During the winter months, inspecting your roof will allow you to identify and resolve any loose or broken tiles as well as spot any mould or leaks in the early stages before they lead to further problems. While you are checking the roof, look inside the drain pipes and clear out any leaves or debris, ensuring the water can flow freely to keep it away from your home.

Minimise the risk of your plants being damaged
After spending months tending to your garden space and growing an array of colourful plants, the last thing you want to see is a storm knocking them all down and ruining the aesthetic of your outdoor area. If you are unable to move any potted plants indoors, wrap them in bubble wrap or secure their position with bricks to minimise the chance of damage as forceful winds pick up. For plants and flowers which are planted in the ground, pushing a metal or wooden rod into the soil and tying the stem of your plants to these will help keep them secure.

Reconsider your parking options
Once your home is as prepared as it can be for the poor weather, ensure your car is out of harm’s way too. If you do not have access to a garage, evaluate whether your driveway or parking spot of choice is in the firing line, parking away from trees, unstable fences or other items which have the potential to damage your vehicle. For added protection, adding some padding around weak spots of your car and covering it with a plastic sheet will help minimise risk so you don’t have to worry about bumps and scrapes.

[…] RELATED: Storm Proofing Your Home & Garden Top Tips From The Experts […]