Moving to a new location is an almighty task in so many different ways. When we are in the process of unpacking, there are ultimately more questions than answers, and we’ve got that almost uneasy feeling in a new place, no matter how much we know it’s good for us in the long run. That first week in a new property can feel like too much, and this is why we need to cultivate calmness. That first week is so important, so let’s show you how to navigate this first week of transitions smoothly.
Understand Your Priorities
Upon your arrival, start to make notes of all the tasks that come to mind. After the first day, categorise them into three key priorities:
- Immediate tasks, such as unpacking the essentials, setting up the utilities, and addressing safety concerns.
- Short-term tasks, which can include maintenance and organisation- the things that you can do within the next couple of months.
- Long-term projects, which can wait until you’re more settled, such as landscaping or non-essentials.
When you start to make sense of the things that are a priority, you may benefit from reorganising your home to ensure that you have a little bit of respite, allowing you to settle into the new place. This is why many people put their items into self storage for the first week or so because it gives them the luxury of time rather than pressure. When you think about the things that are essential and urgent, you can categorise them accordingly.
There’s another handy tool that may benefit you here, known as the Eisenhower Decision Matrix. It comes in four different quadrants based on how urgent and important a task is, and it is worth checking out just to give you a sense of clarity, particularly during this first week.

Focus on Functionality First
Unpacking the essential items you need immediately will help to create a more functional living space, so you can feel at home quicker. Peace of mind is so important, and this means you may benefit from changing the locks on all the exterior doors as soon as you move in. If you know you’re the only one with access to your new home, you’ll have much more peace of mind during that first week, when you’re trying to navigate new surroundings, environment, and people.
Additionally, when thinking about functionality, taking the opportunity to build a rapport with neighbours can ensure a far easier settling-in period. You need to enhance that comfort in your new environment, so look at how you can spend some quality time with your neighbours and make the most of small talk. This will create a greater sense of community and can also help you navigate local insights quickly.
Of course, amidst the chaos, you need to take time to relax. Whether this is a cosy evening or a quiet moment with a cuppa, allowing yourself to unwind will make for a much smoother transition. It’s not easy, particularly as moving is one of the most stressful things we can ever undergo, but if you’ve got family or things that play on your mind too easily, giving yourself a calm first week will be the foundation you need.