Summer is here, and we can all enjoy those sunny afternoons in the conservatory once again. If yours has seen better days, however, it might not be such a relaxing environment as you sit pondering how you can smarten it up and make it a nicer place to be, or whether you should just rip it out and start from scratch.
Unless it is completely falling to pieces, there is plenty you can do without going to extremes, so here are three areas that you need to consider in giving your conservatory a new lease of life.
Most conservatories have a glass roof. If yours is looking tired, the first thing to do is give it a good clean, as moss and slime can build up over time. Once you have a better idea of what you are looking at, you can check for damage and leaks.
If the roof is really past its best, you will need to call in the specialists. uPVC has plenty going for it, but one of the problems is that when it becomes damaged, it is no simple matter to repair.
Replacement could be the only option, but this gives you additional choices – for example, do you really want to stick with a glazed roof, or does that get a little too hot in the summer? If so, a tiled conservatory can sometimes be more practical for year-round use, being warmer in the winter and cooler in summer.

Conservatories come with a variety of floor types, from stone flags to plush carpets. There are pros and cons to each, but what you really need to bear in mind is the unique position the conservatory has in the house.
Being directly connected to the home, family members are likely to be walking around barefoot or in socks, so it needs to be comfortable. But at the same time, it is directly connected to the back garden, meaning people are as likely to wander in wearing muddy boots, so you want something durable and easy to keep clean.
Fitting laminate flooring is a solution that ticks all the boxes. Easy to install, simple to keep clean, springy and comfortable, and cheaper than most carpets, it certainly has a great deal in its favour.

Windows and doors
Like every other area of your home, the windows and doors in your conservatory need periodic maintenance to keep them in good working order. If yours are of wooden construction, then a good strip-down and repaint might be all that is needed.

If there is serious rot, or you have the perennial problem of broken uPVC fittings, then again, replacement might be the best option. Shop around, and do not feel constrained to stick with the same materials. There are pros and cons to different types of windows and doors, in terms of performance, durability, price and other factors, so weigh up all the options to see what works best for you.
[…] RELATED: Give your conservatory a new lease of life […]
[…] RELATED: Give your conservatory a new lease of life […]