Building your ideal home is the most important thing in the world. While it seems easy and basic enough, there are several cladding options to choose from, with which your cladding contractors will help you. It’s essential to know which cladding option will align perfectly with your design and expectations. You have complete control over the type of cladding you want, but it’s crucial to lay out all the options so you can choose the perfect cladding for your home. Otherwise, you might end up incredibly disappointed with the home you’ve built. In this article, we’ll be talking about certain commercial building cladding options you can choose from.

Commercial Building Cladding Options

#1 Wood

Choosing wood as cladding is one of the most common choices for decades. This gives cladding constructors a touch of natural warmth and a vintage ambience to your home. If this is the ambience you’re going for, wood is the perfect cladding to choose. You’d be pleased to know that wood is easy to install since installers are so familiar with wood cladding, and firms such as Chartek can even specialise in designs such as Japanese-style cladding. It’s also a great exterior home design that can last you for years, as long as it’s regularly maintained. The downside of choosing wood is the high maintenance requirement otherwise, it could fall apart easily. A low-maintenance alternative to wood cladding is a composite cladding panel. It imitates the natural beauty of wood without the hassles of routine upkeep.

#2 Modern metal

Choosing this means that you envision a modern contemporary look for your home, which is a common trend today. This variety of cladding is fairly easy to install and unlike wood, incredibly easy to maintain. However, it’s not as durable against bad weather and natural disasters so you might want to keep this in mind if you’re in a location with high risk. It’s also prone to rust and corrosion, especially when in a wet climate.

#3 Brick

Expense is already a disadvantage when choosing this cladding because of the hard labour during installation. However, with that expense comes incredibly durable cladding, which can last you decades without breakage. It’s easy to maintain and while this cladding can last you a lifetime, it’s still best to be careful about the mortar cracking due to moisture. If cost isn’t an issue, this is the ideal cladding for any location and design.

#4 Fiber cement

This is the most popular choice among architects and building owners as it comes with a wide array of looks and finishes. This is the cladding that may give you the creative aesthetic you need if the design is your top priority. It’s easy to install and can last you for years, similar to the durability of brick cladding. You don’t need constant maintenance and repainting with this, making it another ideal option along with the brick.

In conclusion, I hope this article was able to shed insight into the commercial building cladding options that are best for you. If you’re looking for both durability and maintenance, both brick and fibre cement cladding will last you for decades and centuries because of its durable material. Depending on your priority, all of these cladding options have the strengths that make them the perfect choice for your home.